The scaphoid is a carpal bone in the wrist. It sits on the radial or lateral side of the wrist near the thumb. It is the largest bone in the wrist’s proximal row. Lunate, triquetral, and pisiform are the remaining bones in the proximal row. Trapezium, trapezoid, capitates, and hamate are bones in the distal row. This bone has several distinct surfaces: superior, inferior, dorsal, volar, lateral, medial, and distal convex. The superior and inferior surfaces are smooth and convex. The dorsal surface is narrow and rough, accommodating ligament attachment. The volar surface is concave on top with an elevated and rounded lateral end attaching to the transverse carpal ligament. The lateral surface is narrow and rough, attaching to the wrist’s radial collateral ligament. The medial surface has two articular facets. One is smaller and flat. The other is larger and concave. Scaphoid fractures are common injuries in vehicular accidents and sports-related injuries. These fractures typically occur when the body falls on an outstretched wrist. Sixty percent of all carpal fractures are scaphoid related.