Dizziness upon waking can result from shifting fluid in your inner ear or health conditions like low blood sugar and dehydration. Staying hydrated may help reduce dizziness.

There are many possible causes for dizziness, from an underlying medical condition to medication to a long night of having too much fun. In general, however, morning dizziness is something that occasionally happens to a lot of people and isn’t a cause for concern.

If you’re dizzy in the morning right after you wake up, it could be a result of the sudden change of balance as your body adjusts from a reclining position to a standing one. If you have a cold or sinus issues, you may notice the dizziness worsening because of excess fluid and swelling in your sinuses.

Read on to learn about common issues that could lead to morning dizziness and how to manage them.

According to research, daytime dizziness is a common symptom of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is an obstructive breathing condition, which means you temporarily stop breathing at night if you have it. These interruptions in breathing can lead to lower oxygen levels, which could cause dizziness when you wake up in the morning.

One of the most common causes for waking up with dizziness is dehydration. If you drink alcohol before bed, for example, you may be especially dehydrated when you wake up in the morning.

Even if you don’t drink any alcohol, you may get dehydrated if you work in a hot environment, don’t drink enough liquids, take diuretics, consume a lot of caffeinated beverages, or sweat a lot.

Waking up dizzy in the morning could also be a sign that you have low blood sugar. This can make you dizzy before you’ve eaten breakfast.

If you have diabetes and take insulin or other medications, you can become hypoglycemic (low blood sugar) in the morning if you don’t eat enough the night before or if your medication dose is too high.

You can check this by taking a blood glucose reading. If your reading is below 70 mg/dL, you are considered to have low blood sugar.

You can be hypoglycemic even if you don’t have diabetes. If you regularly experience periods of dizziness, fatigue, or feeling sick and weak between meals or snacks, speak with your doctor about testing for hypoglycemia.

If you’re regularly taking any medications, they may be the culprit behind your morning dizziness. Medications that may cause dizziness include:

  • aspirin
  • anticonvulsants
  • sedatives
  • antidepressants
  • heart medication

Speak with your doctor about what side effects your current medications might have and if your prescribed medication is making you dizzy. There may be a solution, like taking your medication at a different time or adjusting your dosage.

The most important thing you can do to reduce morning dizziness is to stay hydrated during the day. Even if you don’t feel thirsty, your body can still be at risk of getting dehydrated, especially if you have a very physically active job, work outside, or engage in intense exercise.

While daily fluid requirements vary from person to person, you can include more water by carrying a water bottle and drinking it with each meal. You need more water if you are very active, sweat heavily, or are pregnant.

Avoid drinking alcohol, especially before bed, and drink a full glass of water before bed and after waking. To make it convenient, keep a water glass or bottle next to your bed so you can drink water first thing in the morning.

If these measures don’t work, you may have a medical condition that’s causing your dizziness. In these cases, treating the underlying cause should help reduce your symptoms. For example, treatment for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been shown to be an effective way to relieve dizziness in people with the condition.

If you regularly wake up with dizziness or experience regular episodes throughout the day, speak with your doctor to rule out any possible medical conditions that could be causing the dizziness.

There are many conditions that could lead to dizziness, so it’s important to be tested if your dizziness doesn’t go away or if it’s happening every morning. Treating the underlying cause of your dizziness should resolve it.