In the tenth week of pregnancy, you may experience symptoms you’ve had since the first trimester, as well as some new ones. This can include weight gain, vaginal discharge, nausea, or constipation.

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At 10 weeks pregnant, you’re nearing the end of your first trimester. It’s likely you’ve grown accustomed to being pregnant. You’ll want to continue eating as well as you can and get some safe exercise to keep you and baby in fighting form.

Here’s what to expect in week 10 of growing a baby.

10 weeks pregnant: What to expect

  • The veins in your breasts and abdomen might start becoming more prominent.
  • Your baby’s eyelids are beginning to close, and facial features become more distinct.
  • You’ll likely start to get some relief from morning sickness in the coming week or two.
  • Your abdomen may start to ache from its expanding size.
  • Some new bras, underwear, and stretchy-waist pants may be in order soon.

You can probably still hide your pregnancy from the rest of the world, but not for much longer. Avoid wearing tight and constricting clothes. Your belly is growing rounder as your uterus expands.

You may gain a pound or two this week, although if morning sickness continues, you might not.

Your blood volume has increased so if you haven’t yet noticed the veins in your breasts and abdomen becoming more prominent, there’s a good chance you will this week.

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Illustration by Alyssa Kiefer

At the end of week 10, your baby will officially graduate from embryo to fetus status. Their webbed toes and fingers begin to separate and form individual digits. All vital organs are formed, and the placenta is functioning.

Your baby takes on a more human-like appearance, eyelids begin to close, and facial features become more distinct. They’re able to swallow, and tooth buds appear.

If you have a doctor’s visit this week, you may be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat. If an ultrasound is ordered, you should be able to see your baby’s heart beating, although you won’t be able to determine your baby’s sex (if you want to!) for a few more weeks.

If your morning sickness is disrupting your everyday life, ask your doctor about controlling the nausea. Try to avoid trigger foods, get plenty of rest, and eat small, frequent meals to stabilize your blood sugar.

Consider trying acupressure massage and eating bland foods like crackers. Be sure you’re taking sips of water regularly. Medications recommended by your doctor may become necessary.

Don’t take over-the-counter medications in pregnancy without talking to your doctor first.

Are you throwing up and sick all the time? Are you unable to keep down fluids and feeling dehydrated? You may have hyperemesis gravidarum. This severe form of morning sickness is more common in women who are carrying multiples. You may need to be seen and cared for by a doctor.

You may start feeling relief from morning sickness this week. But if not, take heart in the fact that nausea and vomiting improve for most pregnant people by the end of the first trimester (12 weeks).

Week 10 pregnancy symptoms will include the continuation of other first trimester symptoms as well as some new ones. Overall, these symptoms include:

Increased vaginal discharge

You may notice more vaginal discharge this week. This is caused by the increased estrogen levels of pregnancy. Pregnancy discharge should be milky and thin with a mild odor. You may want to wear a panty liner for comfort, but avoid tampons or douching.

While vaginal discharge is normal, there are some signs to watch out for, which could indicate an infection. If your discharge has any of the following characteristics, call your doctor:

Abdominal pain

As the round ligaments that surround your uterus stretch, it’s common to experience abdominal pain. The pain may be sharp or dull, and it is benign. Try moving more slowly, and take your time standing up. This may help to reduce how often the pain occurs.

Contact your doctor if your pain is moderate to severe or accompanied by vaginal bleeding, fever, chills, or burning urination.

You’ve probably had your first prenatal appointment, so be sure to follow your doctor’s advice. Write down non-emergency questions as they arise to ask at your next appointment.

If your clothes are feeling snug, but you’re not ready to wear maternity clothes yet, invest in some pants with elastic waistbands and loose shirts. You may also want to purchase some new underwear and bras in a larger size.

If your morning sickness is subsiding, it’s time to get serious about eating a healthy diet that’s safe and nutritious for you and your developing baby. Make sure you take a prenatal vitamin every day.

Talk to your doctor about your specific nutrient and supplement needs as they can differ from person to person.

You will probably not need to increase your daily calorie intake until the second trimester, but if you have any questions about how much you should be eating, speak with your healthcare provider.

If you have cats, stop cleaning their litter box. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, toxoplasmosis is a serious parasitic infection transmitted by cats.

Cats become infected by eating rodents, birds, and small animals, and pass the infection through their feces. Pregnant people may contract toxoplasmosis from cleaning the litter box and pass the infection onto their unborn child.

Call the doctor if you have:

  • bleeding or cramping
  • abnormal vaginal discharge or odor
  • fever
  • chills
  • pain with urination
  • severe abdominal pain
  • severe nausea with vomiting

You should also speak with your doctor if you are feeling depressed about being pregnant or overwhelmed at the thought of raising a child.

Additionally, research points to 9 percent of women experiencing physical abuse in pregnancy. The American College of Obsteticians and Gynecologists notes that intimate partner violence can start or worsen during pregnancy.

If you are being abused, contact your doctor for help or call the National Domestic Abuse Hotline at 800-799-SAFE (7233).

You’re almost at the end of your first trimester, which is a time of relief for many pregnant people.

At this point in your pregnancy, changes are fast and furious for you and your baby. As you adjust, try to embrace each one in anticipation of what’s ahead. Enjoy every moment as it goes by so quickly.