If Peyronie’s disease has caused your penis to become curved, specific exercises and devices can help. This may include manually straightening and stretching your penis.

Peyronie’s disease is a condition in which scar tissue causes the penis to curve. For some people, the disease can be painful and make it difficult to achieve an erection.

Not everyone with Peyronie’s disease needs treatment. You may not need treatment if you:

  • have only small plaques
  • do not have pain
  • have little or no curve to your penis
  • no sexual or urinary side effects

In a small number of people, Peyronie’s disease can go away on its own. But for those with persistent symptoms, several treatments are available to help. A doctor may recommend injections of certain medications into the penis or surgery to remove some plaque in more severe cases.

You may also give your condition a helping hand with specific stretches. Here’s how exercises can help Peyronie’s disease.

Yes, certain types of exercise can help Peyronie’s disease. Gentle stretching of the sheath may help correct the curvature by breaking down some scar tissue.

Research has also shown that traction exercises with special devices can be effective at straightening and stretching the penis back into its normal shape and length during erection. However, additional research into newer devices is still needed.

Here are some exercise techniques and devices sometimes used for Peyronie’s disease:

Penile traction therapy (PTT) involves wearing a device, such as RestoreX, on your penis for a certain amount of time each day to help straighten it or reverse a curve.

These devices typically consist of two parallel stabilizing rods that run alongside the shaft of the penis, connected to a plastic support ring at the base of the penis and a distal ring below the head of the penis. The rods can be extended with a spring to stretch the penis.

A 2023 review of nonsurgical treatments for Peyronie’s disease found that newer PTT devices helped reduce penis curvature, though some caused side effects, including irritation.

While research on PTT for Peyronie’s disease is still limited so far, a 2019 study found that it could provide modest improvements in lengthening the penis and correcting the curve during the acute phase, as well as assist in retaining penis length for people undergoing surgery for the condition.

A vacuum erection device (VED) is a vacuum tube that fits over the penis like a sheath and stretches and pulls it with suction. It’s sometimes called a “penis pump.”

VEDs have a dubious history of being marketed as tools that can make the penis larger, but they may have a legitimate medical role in helping people with Peyronie’s disease.

A 2010 study on 31 people with Peyronie’s disease found that most participants who used a VED for 10 minutes twice a day experienced improvements in penile length, curvature, and pain after 12 weeks.

However, three of the participants had their curvature worsen during that time, so it’s important to talk with a doctor about the potential risks and benefits before using a VED.

Penile modeling involves manually bending the erect penis in the opposite direction of the curvature caused by Peyronie’s disease. It can be performed by a urologist at their office or by yourself at home. Typically, penile modeling is done in conjunction with collagenase injections.

Another treatment for severe Peyronie’s disease combines penile modeling with the insertion of an inflatable prosthesis in the penis through surgery.

A 2020 study on 92 people with Peyronie’s disease found that this method led to a significant reduction in curvature for more than 85 percent of participants after 3 months, while nearly 95% of participants saw results after 6 months.

You may experience some pain, bruising, or swelling from penile modeling. There’s also a risk of penile fracture and other injuries, so connect with a healthcare professional before trying penile modeling.

Massaging the penis with a lubricant, like cocoa butter, is sometimes mentioned in studies as a potential treatment for Peyronie’s disease, but research is limited.

Some urologists, such as Alex Shteynshlyuger, MD, director of urology at New York Urology Specialists, say that massage is unlikely to improve the condition.

“Massage will not help Peyronie’s disease in any form,” he said, adding that creams can’t be absorbed deep into the penis where the scar tissue from Peyronie’s disease is found. “That’s why we use injections to treat it.”

Trying to adjust your penis through massage can also lead to injury, so check with a doctor before trying it.

For some people with mild Peyronie’s disease, the condition can sometimes go away without medical intervention. Additionally, if you don’t experience pain, difficulties having sexual intercourse, or difficulties urinating, doctors may not recommend treating Peyronie’s disease.

But if you experience distress, pain, or a greater degree of curvature, a doctor may recommend nonsurgical or surgical treatment. At this stage, it is unlikely to go away without medical intervention.

What is the best exercise for Peyronie disease?

While more research is still needed, penile traction therapy devices show some promise for reducing curvature in people with Peyronie’s disease.

Can exercise help Peyronie’s disease?

Gentle stretching may help penis curvature due to Peyronie’s disease. You can do gentle stretching by using a penile traction therapy device or manual modeling, which involves gently bending the erect penis in the direction opposite the curvature.

How do you break up Peyronie’s plaque?

Doctors typically use injectable medications to break up plaques of collagen deposits formed due to Peyronie’s disease.

How can I heal my Peyronie’s disease naturally?

Some people who develop mild Peyronie’s disease may experience disease stability, pain reduction, or spontaneous recovery. Others who develop chronic Peyronie’s disease may require treatments such as injections and surgical procedures to reduce pain and curvature.

Peyronie’s disease is a curvature of the penis caused by a buildup of scar tissue. For some people, the condition clears up on its own, but treatment may be required for others.

In addition to injections and surgery, some exercises may be able to help stretch and straighten the penis. Research shows that PTT and VEDs can be effective at treating Peyronie’s disease. Penile modeling with an inflatable prosthesis may also help correct a curved penis.

Some exercises for Peyronie’s disease may cause harm, so it’s best to check with a doctor before trying them.