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Imagine this: You’re at home, working at your desk. Your 2-year-old comes up to you with their favorite book. They want you to read to them.

You tell them sweetly that you can’t at the moment, but you will read to them in an hour. They start to pout. Next thing you know, they’re sitting cross-legged on the carpet, crying uncontrollably.

Many parents are at a loss when it comes to addressing their toddler’s temper tantrums. It may seem like you’re getting nowhere because your child is not listening to you.

So what should you do?

Temper tantrums are a typical part of growing up. They are your 2-year-old child’s way of expressing their frustrations when they don’t have the words or language to tell you what they need or feel.

It’s more than just the “terrible twos.” It’s your toddler’s way of learning to deal with new challenges and disappointments.

There are ways you can respond to outbursts or behavior issues without negatively impacting your 2-year-old child and their development. Here are a few tips on effective ways to discipline your toddler.

This may seem harsh, but one of the key ways of responding to your child’s tantrum is to not engage.

Once your 2-year-old is having a tantrum, their emotions have gotten the best of them. Talking with them or trying other discipline measures may not work at that moment.

Make sure they are safe, then let the tantrum finish. When they are calm, give them a hug and go on with the day. Two-year-olds do not usually have tantrums on purpose — unless they are learning that having a tantrum is the easiest way to get your attention.

You may want to let them know, firmly, that you are not responding to their tantrum because that behavior is not the way to get your attention. Tell them sternly but calmly that they need to use their words if they want to tell you something.

They may not have the full vocabulary to tell you, even if they know the words, so encourage them in other ways. For example, you can teach your toddler sign language for words like “I want,” “hurt,” “more,” “drink,” and “tired” if they are not speaking yet or not speaking clearly.

Finding other ways to communicate can help cut down on outbursts and help you build a stronger bond with your child.

Understanding your own limits is part of disciplining your 2-year-old. If you feel yourself becoming angry, walk away. Take a breath. But make sure that your child is safe from harm when you do so.

Remember that your child is not being “bad” or trying to upset you. Rather, they are upset themselves and can’t express their feelings the way adults can. Once you are calm, you will be able to appropriately discipline your child in a way that won’t be harmful.

Your toddler grabs the container of juice and is trying hard to open it. You think to yourself that this is going to end badly. You could yell at your child to put down the juice.

Instead, gently take the container from them. Reassure them that you will open the bottle and pour them a cup.

You can apply this technique to other situations, such as if they’re reaching for something in the cabinet or if they’re throwing their toys around because they’re having a hard time getting to the one they want.

Lending a helping hand in this way lets them know they can ask for help when they’re having trouble instead of trying on their own and creating a mess. But if you don’t want them to have that item, use a soft voice to explain why you are taking it away and offer a substitute.

Our instinct as parents is to scoop up our children and move them away from whatever potentially dangerous object they’re headed toward. But that can trigger a tantrum because you are removing them from the thing they wanted.

If they are headed into danger, such as a busy street, then it’s OK to intervene. All 2-year-olds are going to have some tantrums on their way to learning what they can and cannot do. Not every tantrum can be prevented.

Another method when safety is not at stake is to distract and divert. Call their name to grab their attention. Once they’re focused on you, call them over to you and show them something else they’ll like that is safe.

This can also work before a tantrum starts to distract them from what they’re becoming upset about in the first place.

It’s easy to become upset when your child is making a mess. Today they’ve drawn all over the walls with their crayons. Yesterday they tracked in dirt from playing in the backyard. Now you’re left to clean it all up.

But try and think like your little one. They see these activities as fun, and that’s typical! They’re learning and discovering what’s around them.

Don’t remove them from the activity, since it may trigger a tantrum. Instead, wait a few minutes and they’ll most likely go on to something else. Or you can join in and constructively guide them. For example, start coloring on some sheets of paper and invite them to do the same.

Your toddler, like all toddlers, wants to explore the world. Part of that exploration is touching everything under the sun. And you’re bound to become frustrated with their impulsive grabbing.

Help them figure out what is safe and not safe to touch. Try “no touch” for objects off-limits or unsafe, “soft touch” for faces and animals, and “yes touch” for safe items. And have fun thinking of other word associations like “hot touch,” “cold touch,” or “owie touch” to help tame your little one’s roaming fingers.

“Because I said so” and “because I said no” are not helpful ways to discipline your child. Instead, set limits and explain why to your child.

For example, if your child pulls your cat’s fur, remove their hand, tell them that it hurts the cat when they do that, and show them how to pet the cat instead. Set boundaries by keeping things out of reach (think scissors and knives in drawers with childproof locks or keeping the pantry door locked).

Your child may become frustrated when they can’t do what they want, but by setting limits, you will help them learn self-control.

If your child is continuing their negative behavior, you may want to put them in timeout. Pick a boring spot, like a chair or the hallway floor.

Have your toddler sit in that spot and wait for them to calm down. Timeout should last about 1 minute for each year in age (for example, a 2-year-old should stay in timeout for 2 minutes and a 3-year-old for 3 minutes).

Bring your child back to the timeout spot if they start to wander before time is up. Don’t respond to anything they say or do until the timeout is over. Once your child is calm, explain to them why you put them in timeout and why their behavior was wrong.

Never hit or use spank-control methods to discipline your child. Such methods hurt your child and reinforce negative behavior.

Disciplining your toddler requires you to balance sternness and sympathy.

Discuss any ongoing or unusual behavior with your child’s pediatrician, since these might be an indication of developmental delays or underlying concerns. But do keep in mind that temper tantrums are a typical part of your child’s development.

Tantrums happen when your child doesn’t know how to express what’s upsetting them. Remember to stay cool and calm, and treat your child with compassion while addressing the concern. Many of these methods will help prevent future tantrums as well.