at a glance
  • Regence offers Medigap Plan A, Plan C, Plan F, Plan G, Plan K, and Plan N.
  • Regence plans are offered in Oregon and in Clark County, Washington.
  • You can buy Medigap Plan C or Plan F from Regence only if you were eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020.

Regence is one of the largest providers of health insurance in the Pacific Northwest. The company was founded in 1917 and is part of the Blue Cross Blue Shield family.

Today, Regence offers Medicare Advantage and Medigap plans to Medicare beneficiaries in certain areas of the Northwest. Regence’s 2021 plan offerings include Plan A, Plan C, Plan F, Plan G, Plan K, and Plan N.

Medigap plans help cover the out-of-pocket costs of using what’s known as original Medicare. Original Medicare is Medicare Part A and Part B together.

Typically, when you use original Medicare, some costs are left to you. These include:

  • deductibles
  • copayments
  • coinsurance

Medigap plans can help you cover these expenses, so there will be less for you to pay when you receive care.

There are 10 standard Medigap plans. Regence offers six of those plans:

  • Plan A
  • Plan C
  • Plan F
  • Plan G
  • Plan K
  • Plan N

Part A expenses

Plans from Regence help you cover a range of expenses.

For example, you can get coverage for the Medicare Part A deductible, as well as coverage for hospital, skilled nursing facility, or hospice coinsurance amounts.

Many Medigap plans, including plans from Regence, will also pay for the first three pints of blood you need for a procedure or transfusion.

Part B expenses

You’ll also have coverage for Part B costs with many Medigap plans.

You can get coverage for the Part B coinsurance with most plans, leaving you less to pay out of pocket when you see the doctor.

You can also get coverage for Part B excess charges, or the amount above what Medicare pays that can sometimes be billed to you.

The Part B deductible is covered by Regence Medigap Plan C and Plan F.

However, new Medicare members aren’t eligible for plans C and F from any company. To purchase either plan, you need to have become eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020.

If you became eligible for Medicare at any later date, you can’t buy a plan that covers the Part B deductible.

Coverage comparison

You can use the chart below to get a clear picture of what each Medigap plan offered by Regence covers. Since Regence doesn’t offer plans B, D, L, or M, they aren’t included in this chart.

Plan APlan CPlan FPlan GPlan KPlan N
Part B deductiblenoyesyesnonono
Part A hospital coinsuranceyesyesyesyesyesyes
Part A deductiblenoyesyesyes50%yes
Part B coinsuranceyesyesyesyes50%yes (but with copays)
Blood (first 3 pints)yesyesyesyes50%yes
Hospice care yesyesyesyes50%yes
Skilled nursing facility care coinsurancenoyesyesyes50%yes
Part B excess chargesnonoyesyesnono
Foreign travel emergenciesnoyes (80%)yes (80%)yes (80%)noyes (80%)

Regence Medigap plan extra benefits

Regence Medigap plans also include a few extra benefits for members. These benefits are included with all Regence plans:

  • 40 percent discount on premiums if you and another member of your household both purchase Regence Medigap plans
  • included gym membership
  • member access to a 24/7 nurse line
  • discounts on select healthcare items and services

There are six different Medigap plans offered by Regence. Each plan has different costs and coverage. The right plan for you depends on your needs and budget.

The 2021 Regence plans are:

  • Regence Medicare Supplement Plan A. Plan A is an affordable option that provides coverage for hospital and hospice coinsurance.
  • Regence Medicare Supplement Plan C. Plan C is a comprehensive Medigap plan that includes coverage for the Part B deductible.
  • Regence Medicare Supplement Plan F. Plan F offers all the coverage of Plan C with additional coverage for Part B excess charges.
  • Regence Medicare Supplement Plan G. You won’t have coverage for the Part B deductible with Plan G, but you will have coverage for most other out-of-pocket expenses, plus coverage during foreign travel.
  • Regence Medicare Supplement Plan K. Plan K covers the entire Part A deductible and 50 percent of most of your coinsurance and copayment costs.
  • Regence Medicare Supplement Plan N. Plan N offers very similar coverage to Plan G; however, with Plan N, you’ll pay a small copayment for Part B services.

Medigap plan costs are determined by where you live, along with factors about you such as your age and gender.

Regence plans are offered in the state of Oregon and in Clark County, Washington. You’ll pay different rates depending on whether you live in Oregon or in Clark County, Washington.

The example rates for each plan shown in the table below are the monthly premium costs for a 68-year-old woman who doesn’t smoke tobacco.

Clark County, WashingtonOregon
Regence Medicare Supplement Plan A$173$143
Regence Medicare Supplement Plan C$249$243
Regence Medicare Supplement Plan F$251$244
Regence Medicare Supplement Plan G$201$177
Regence Medicare Supplement Plan K$131$112
Regence Medicare Supplement Plan N $160$151

Medigap is supplemental coverage you can add to original Medicare. Medigap helps you pay less out of pocket for the services original Medicare already covers.

Medigap plans are offered by private insurance companies, but Medicare regulates that each letter plan must offer the same basic coverage.

So, Plan A has the same coverage if you buy it with Regence or another company. The price you pay will be different, but the services covered will be the same.

Medigap plans don’t include prescription drug coverage. You’ll still need a Part D plan or other prescription coverage.

Additionally, you can’t have a Medicare Advantage (Part C) plan and Medigap plan at the same time. So, if you want to add to your original Medicare plan, you’ll need to make a choice between Medicare Advantage and Medigap.

Regence offers Medigap plans to residents of Oregon and Clark County, Washington. The company offers six different plan options.

Regence offers some extra benefits to its members, including a significant 40 percent discount on premiums if and your spouse both choose Regence Medigap plans.