Happy Baby Pose is a simple and gentle yoga posture that may help to increase relaxation and flexibility. As the name suggests, the pose involves lying on your back, with your knees bent toward your chest, and holding on to your feet.

Happy Baby Pose, also known as Ananda Balasana in Sanskrit, is a stretch common to yoga and Pilates.

The Happy Baby Pose is often incorporated into workouts like yoga and pilates, because of its gentle, calming motion. It may also help to improve flexibility and mobility.

What is the Happy Baby Pose, though? Here’s a look at how to do the pose, as well as benefits of this movement.

Ananda Balasana originates from the sacred Sanskrit language. Ananda means “happy,” bal means “child or baby,” and asana means “pose.”

The pose is appropriately named “happy baby” because while you’re in this position — lying on your back and holding your feet — you’ll resemble a baby lying happily on its back. Who hasn’t stumbled upon a baby in this position while lying on a blanket or in a crib?

In the same way this pose can calm and relax babies, the Ayurvedic practice believes it does the same for your inner child.

Happy Baby Pose is a relatively easy movement, so it’s ideal for beginners. Due to its calming effect, instructors often include the pose near the beginning or end of yoga or Pilates classes.

Here’s how to do the Happy Baby Pose, step-by-step:

  • Step 1: Lie flat on your back on the floor or a mat.
  • Step 2: With your head flat on the mat, bend your knees toward your chest at a 90-degree angle. Face the soles of your feet up toward the ceiling. It is important to try to keep your tailbone on the ground.
  • Step 3: Reaching forward, grab and hold the inside or outside of your feet. Spread your knees apart, shifting them toward your armpits.
  • Step 4: Remain in this position for several breaths, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
  • Step 5 (optional): Flex your heels into your hand and gently rock from side-to-side (like a happy baby).

Tips for doing this pose correctly

When doing this yoga pose, it is important that your shoulders remain on the floor or mat at all times and you don’t raise them as you reach forward. If you can’t keep your shoulders flat, instead of grabbing and holding the inside or outside of your feet, grab and hold your ankles or shins.

Likewise, try to keep your head on the mat to avoid neck strain. If this is difficult, place a rolled blanket or towel underneath your neck for support. Or, grab your ankles or shins instead of your feet.

If you’re a beginner and can’t grab your feet or keep your tailbone on the ground, try holding a yoga strap around the arch of your feet or grabbing behind the knees to help achieve this pose.

The Happy Baby Pose aims to stretch the inner thighs, hamstrings, and groin and release the hips and back. It may also help to increase flexibility and realign the spine.

These types of yoga poses may have several health benefits, such as:

  • better mobility
  • improved balance
  • decreased level of stress
  • opens the inner thighs, hips, and groin
  • realigns and stretches the spine
  • lowers heart rate

If you are experiencing difficulty with flexibility or mobility, consider speaking with a healthcare professional. They can recommend an appropriate treatment option or lifestyle measure, suitable for your individual needs.

Due to the nature of this pose, it’s not recommended if you have a neck, knee, hip, or glute injury.

The happy baby pose is also not recommended for pregnant people, as it involves lying on your back, which may reduce circulation to the fetus.

Learn more about safe pregnancy exercise routines to help you stretch and relax.

Is Happy Baby Pose good for the pelvic floor?

The happy baby pose encourages stretching it a way that elongates the pelvic floor muscles, which may help with any tightness.

What muscles does Happy Baby Pose target?

The happy baby pose targets muscles such as your inner thighs, hamstrings, and back.

What are the disadvantages of Happy Baby Pose?

Due to the nature of the Happy Baby Pose, it’s not recommended if you have a neck or knee injury, or if you are pregnant.

The Happy Baby Pose is a simple and gentle yoga posture. It is appropriately named “happy baby” because while you’re in this position — lying on your back and holding your feet — you’ll resemble a baby lying happily on its back.

It has several possible health benefits and may help to improve flexibility and mobility, reduce stress levels, and lower your heart rate.

Keep in mind that Happy Baby Pose isn’t recommended if you’re pregnant or have a neck or knee injury.