Ewing’s sarcoma is a rare tumor that develops in children, teens, and young adults. The month of July is devoted to increasing awareness of sarcoma. Find out how to get involved.

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If you or a loved one lives with Ewing’s sarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer in younger people, it can be easy to feel that this condition goes unseen. Only about 200 children and teens in the U.S. are diagnosed with this rare tumor every year, and Ewing’s sarcoma accounts for just 1% of all childhood cancers.

The month of July is set aside as Sarcoma Awareness month. During this month, organizations and individuals alike have the opportunity to spread the word about what sarcomas like Ewing’s sarcoma are this type of corner affects those who live with it.

Named for physician James Ewing, who first identified this cancer in 1921, Ewing’s sarcoma (also known as Ewing sarcoma) is a tumor of the bones or soft tissues. Ewing sarcoma most commonly affects:

Ewing’s sarcoma is considered a childhood or early adulthood cancer since the majority of people diagnosed are children, teens, or young adults in their 20s or 30s.

Though researchers don’t fully understand its causes, one theory is that rapid bone growth during these periods of life may somehow trigger the formation of abnormal cells.

Want to lend your voice to increasing awareness around Ewing’s sarcoma? In the month of July, there are plenty of ways to get involved.

You can start by following sarcoma awareness, support, and research organizations on social media and sharing their posts. Check out the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA) and Little Warrior Foundation, for example.

Kids can participate in SFA’s Children’s Artwork Competition by creating original artwork and mailing it to the SFA by June 25, 2023.

If you or a loved one has this condition, you might also consider sharing personal stories on your social media or via email to family and friends, tagging @CureSarcoma, and including #SarcomaAwarenessMonth.

The Sarcoma Foundation of America also offers a virtual advocacy day, held this year on July 21. You can also purchase sarcoma awareness merchandise, like yard signs, t-shirts, and mugs.

To go the extra mile — literally — participate in the National Virtual Race to Cure Sarcoma in the month of July. This 5K raises funds to spread awareness about this disease.

You can also donate money to help find a cure for Ewing’s sarcoma. A donation of any amount to sarcoma advocacy organizations or research groups is a meaningful way to show your support.

Symptoms of Ewing’s sarcoma can vary, but the following are some classic hallmarks of the disease:

Again, Ewing’s sarcoma is a younger person’s disease, so symptoms like these in older people are unlikely to indicate this cancer.

There are four types of Ewing’s sarcoma.

  • Ewing’s sarcoma of the bone: This type is the most common, creating tumors within bones.
  • Extraosseous Ewing tumor (EOE): This type occurs when tumors develop in the soft tissues around bones.
  • Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PPNET): This type is an extremely rare form of sarcoma that produces tumors can in both bone and soft tissue.
  • Askin’s tumor: This type is a version of PPNET that develops in the bones of the chest.

There are numerous treatments for Ewing’s sarcoma that have improved the outlook for children and young adults with this cancer, including:

According to the American Cancer Society, the 5-year relative survival rate for people with Ewing’s sarcoma is:

  • 82% when the tumor is localized (meaning it has stayed in one place)
  • 71% when the cancer is regional (meaning it has spread to nearby structures or lymph nodes)
  • 39% when distant (meaning it has spread further, like to the lungs or other bones)

Raising awareness about Ewing’s sarcoma can not only boost visibility for people who live with this disease but also raise funds for research that might ultimately find a means of prevention or cure. July’s Sarcoma Awareness Month is a great opportunity to shed light on this rare disease.