After a physical exam, a doctor may order an ultrasound and blood tests to confirm a testicular cancer diagnosis. A confirmed diagnosis usually results in the removal of the testicle for further lab analysis.
If you have a lump or swelling in one of your testicles, a doctor might recommend further testing. Testicular cancer could be a cause.
Read on to learn more about how doctors diagnose testicular cancer and why early detection is essential.
When to contact a doctor
The National Health Service (NHS) recommends seeing a doctor as soon as possible if you notice any of the following in one of your testicles:
- swelling
- a lump
- other concerning changes
The diagnostic process for testicular cancer often starts by visiting a primary care physician. They’ll review your medical history for potential risk factors and perform a physical exam. One of the
During a physical exam, a healthcare professional will feel your testicles to monitor their:
- size
- shape
- consistency
During the exam, a doctor may shine a small light against your scrotum to see if it passes through. Testicular lumps are usually solid, and light will not be able to pass through.
Ultrasound is often the
Doctors can use the results of an ultrasound to help them differentiate testicular cancer from noncancerous conditions like cysts.
Blood tests play a crucial role in helping doctors diagnose testicular cancer by measuring levels of tumor markers that relate to testicular cancer. These markers include:
Tumor markers for subtypes of testicular cancer
More than
According to the
Elevated LDH often indicates
A biopsy is a small tissue sample taken so a pathologist can examine cancer cells under a microscope. Doctors
After blood tests and ultrasound imaging, doctors often know with relative certainty if your tumor is cancerous. The next step is often to remove your entire testicle. Surgery to remove a testicle is called an orchiectomy.
A pathologist will then examine the cells in your removed testicle to confirm your diagnosis and determine your subtype of cancer.
- CT scans to help determine the extent of your cancer
- MRI scans to look for spread to your brain or spinal cord
- chest X-rays to look for spread to your lungs
- PET scans to see if there is cancer cell activity in your body
- bone scans to show if cancer has spread to your bones
The American Joint Committee on Cancer’s
- tumor: the size and extent of the tumor
- nodes: involvement of nearby lymph nodes
- metastasis: spread to distant organs
- serum: levels of blood tumor markers
After you receive a testicular cancer diagnosis, your cancer team can help you decide on the best treatment.
- surgery
- chemotherapy
- radiation therapy
active surveillance
Your healthcare team can give you the best idea of what to expect and address your concerns. You’ll have regular follow-up appointments to monitor the effectiveness of your treatment and help detect any potential recurrence early.
Symptoms of testicular cancer
Symptoms of testicular cancer include:
- a lump or swelling, usually in one testicle
- changes in the size, shape, or texture of your testicle
- fluid accumulation in your scrotum (hydrocele)
- heaviness or aching in your lower abdomen or groin
- pain in your testicles or scrotum
- enlargement or tenderness of your breast (gynecomastia)
- fatigue
- rarely, pain without a lump or swelling
Here are some frequently asked questions people have about testicular cancer.
How long does it take to diagnose testicular cancer?
A primary care doctor will usually refer you to a urologist within a few weeks for further testing and to confirm a diagnosis. A study in Poland reported that half of people were diagnosed within
Can I check for testicular cancer at home?
You can check for testicular cancer by gently rolling each testicle between your thumb and fingers and feeling for any unusual lumps or changes in texture. The best time to check your testicles is after a warm shower or bath when your scrotum is relaxed.
How quickly can testicular cancer spread?
The speed at which your cancer spreads depends on your subtype of testicular cancer. It often takes years for it to reach distant body parts.
What is the survival rate for testicular cancer?
People diagnosed with testicular cancer in the United States between 2012 and 2018 lived at least 5 years about
The main tests for testicular cancer are blood tests and an ultrasound. If these tests are highly suggestive of testicular cancer, your doctor may recommend having your testicle removed. It will then be examined further to determine the subtype.
Testicular cancer has a better outlook the earlier it’s diagnosed. It’s important to see a doctor promptly if you notice any changes to your testicle, such as a lump or swelling.