Albuterol isn’t addictive as a treatment for asthma. But people with asthma can become dependent on the drug.

People with asthma typically use two types of inhalers to help treat their condition:

  1. Maintenance or long-term control medications: People often take them daily to help manage asthma symptoms and prevent asthma attacks. Although, people may not feel an instant improvement.
  2. Rescue or quick-relief medications: They quickly help relieve asthma symptoms, and you can use them during an asthma attack.

Albuterol is a rescue medication. You may have heard that people can develop an addiction to asthma medications, such as albuterol. But is that true?

Albuterol isn’t addictive. However, people with asthma that isn’t well managed may develop a dependence on it.

Read on to learn the signs of dependence and what you can do about it.

Addiction is when a person seeks out or uses a drug compulsively or involuntarily, regardless of the negative health or social consequences that may be associated with this behavior.

Dependence can consist of two types: physical dependence and psychological dependence.

Physical dependence is when withdrawal symptoms occur when you stop taking a drug. Examples of symptoms are nausea, sweating, and shaking.

Psychological dependence happens when a drug becomes prominent in your thoughts or activities. People with psychological dependence may feel a strong urge to use a drug. This urge could come from things like not using the drug for a while or experiencing specific emotions, such as boredom or depression.

Dependence and albuterol

So, how does this relate to albuterol? While albuterol isn’t addictive, some people may develop a psychological dependence on it.

This can happen in people whose maintenance medications aren’t managing their asthma symptoms well. It can also occur if people are not using their maintenance medications as prescribed. When this occurs, people may use their rescue medication more often to ease symptoms.

Overuse of rescue medications like albuterol can make symptoms worse or more frequent. This can lead to a cycle of continuing overuse.

Plus, because albuterol and other rescue medications are readily available and quickly relieve symptoms, using them can provide a sense of security or relief.

Instead of continuing to frequently use rescue medication, individuals whose asthma isn’t well managed may need a new maintenance medication.

If you notice that your asthma symptoms are frequent or getting worse, it’s best to see your doctor.

A 2019 study reported overuse of nonprescribed asthma inhalers. Furthermore, at least 1 in 5 people using over-the-counter inhalers don’t have asthma. Why is this? Can albuterol cause a feeling of being “high”?

Not really. The “high” associated with albuterol may have links with the effects and side effects of the drug, which can include things like:

  • having a quick heartbeat
  • being more alert
  • having expanded lung capacity

Plus, inhaling the propellant used in the inhaler may also cause feelings of stimulation or euphoria.

There are potential health consequences for overusing albuterol. According to the National Capital Poison Center, albuterol overuse has links with the following:

  • higher frequency of symptoms
  • worsening management of symptoms
  • increased frequency of asthma attacks

Also, using too much albuterol at one time can potentially lead to worsening side effects and an overdose. Overdose symptoms can include:

If you suspect that you or someone else is having an overdose, seek emergency medical care.

People who overuse albuterol may notice an increase or worsening of their asthma symptoms. These symptoms can include:

  • difficulty breathing
  • being short of breath
  • coughing or wheezing
  • having a feeling of tightness in your chest

Additionally, knowing how much you use albuterol also helps determine whether you’re using it too often.

On average, people who overuse albuterol use three or more canisters per year. Typically, there are 200 puffs or inhalations in one canister.

Only use your rescue inhaler when you’re experiencing asthma symptoms. It doesn’t replace your maintenance medication. If you experience exercise-induced asthma, your doctor may prescribe albuterol before exercise.

Your doctor will provide you with specific information regarding when and how you should use albuterol. Always be sure to carefully follow their instructions.

Generally, the recommendation is two puffs every 4–6 hours when you’re experiencing symptoms. Some people may only need one puff instead of two.

If you’re using your rescue inhaler three or more times per week, you likely need a maintenance regimen that’s more suitable for you.

Plan to talk with your doctor if you’re using albuterol 3 or more days a week or you find that you go through an entire canister in 1 month.

Using a rescue inhaler more frequently can be a sign that your maintenance medication isn’t managing your asthma well. Your doctor can work with you to adjust your treatment plan, so you may need to use your rescue inhaler less often.

Albuterol is a type of rescue medication for asthma. People use it when their asthma symptoms flare up, and it can help treat an asthma attack. Like other rescue medications, it doesn’t replace asthma maintenance medications.

Some people may develop a dependence to albuterol. This is often because their maintenance medication is not managing their asthma symptoms well, so they find themselves using their rescue inhaler more often.

Overuse of albuterol can lead to increased frequency or worsening of symptoms. If you’re using your rescue medication 3 or more days a week, consider seeing your doctor to discuss updating your treatment plan.