Dry allergy coughs are common and can often be treated with over-the-counter medications or home remedies.

Allergies are typically linked to symptoms such as watery eyes, a runny nose, sneezing, and congestion. However, many people also experience coughing as an allergy symptom.

The irritants that lead to other allergy symptoms can also irritate the lining of your throat, leading to a chronic dry cough. Treatment can help relieve allergy coughs, and options include antihistamines, saline sprays, expectorants, and decongestants.

Most allergy coughs are dry. They can cause an itching or tickling sensation at the back of your throat. It’s common for an allergy cough to happen along with allergy symptoms such as:

Allergy cough vs. COVID-19 cough

Allergies and infections, such as COVID-19, can both cause a cough. Your other symptoms can help you tell the conditions apart.

For instance, unlike allergies, COVID-19 is likely to cause other symptoms such as chills, fever, and muscle aches along with a cough.

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There are several possible treatment options for an allergy cough. The right one for you depends on factors such as the severity of your cough, how often it occurs, and the other symptoms you experience. Possible options include:

  • Over-the-counter (OTC) antihistamines: OTC antihistamines can help relieve coughs and other symptoms for many people with mild allergies.
  • Lozenges: Lozenges are also available as OTC options at drug stores and grocery stores. They can soothe your throat and relieve a cough.
  • Decongestants: Decongestants can open your nasal passages for easier breathing. You can buy OTC decongestants at drug stores, grocery stores, and many other locations.
  • Prescription antihistamines: A doctor might prescribe daily antihistamines to help manage allergies and relieve symptoms such as chronic coughing.
  • Allergy injections: Immunotherapy injections are a prescription option that helps many people manage their allergies and symptoms.
  • Tea: Some people find that warm beverages, especially tea, can help relieve a cough. Ingredients such as honey, ginger, and turmeric are popular choices for managing a cough.

Treating an allergy cough in your home

Making changes inside your home can also help manage an allergy cough. The exact changes that help the most can depend on your specific allergies, but general steps can include:

  • Using a humidifier: A humidifier can moisturize the air in your home and can reduce irritation in your throat.
  • Running an air purifier: Air purifiers can reduce the irritants in the air you breathe.
  • Vacuuming regularly: Vacuuming reduces the amount of dust and other irritants in your home.
  • Using mattress covers: Plastic or allergen-blocking mattress covers can prevent allergens from growing inside your mattress.
  • Avoiding smoking indoors: Keeping your home smoke-free can make the air easier on your throat and lungs.
  • Sleeping with your head elevated: Using an extra pillow or wedge pillow to prop your head up while you sleep can help reduce nighttime coughing.
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Some people can manage a cough caused by allergies at home with remedies such as tea or OTC treatments. However, sometimes seeing a medical professional can help. If OTC treatments don’t relieve your allergy cough, if it keeps you up at night, or if it makes it difficult to get through your day, seeing a doctor can be a good idea.

Additionally, an allergy cough can occasionally be a signal of a medical emergency called anaphylaxis. If you experience an allergy cough along with symptoms such as:

It’s important to seek urgent medical care. Call 911 right away if you experience these symptoms along with an allergy cough.

Allergies can cause a cough when allergens irritate the lining of the throat. It’s common for an allergy to cough to be a dry cough that happens along with symptoms such as a runny nose, congestion, and sneezing.

Treating your allergies can help relieve your cough. There are a wide variety of treatment options available, including antihistamines, decongestions, expectorants, saline sprays, and immunotherapy shots.

If the cough comes along with other symptoms like shortness of breath or swelling, you should seek emergency care.